
We understand that a childs diet is very important to their growth and development. There is no doubt that developing brains and muscles requires a good diet! 

Miniversity Early learning centre  provide all food for children, with the exception of infant bottles and formula. 

We will offer a changing menu of nutritious food that is adjusted to cater to seasonal changes throughout the year and encourage our families to make suggestions for our menu – these will be considered at change over times. It is always nice to have a range of interesting foods for the children and if your child enjoys a particular food – chances are many other children will too. Feel free to share favourite recipes with us at any time.

Your child’s Group Leader also offers you feed back each day on the food  intake of your child so you can keep up to date with their likes and dislikes.

Establishing good eating habits is an essential part of healthy development in young children. We particularly recognise that the education and care setting plays a key role in teaching children to learn and develop a positive attitude towards food and healthy eating.

The service provides the following meals at designated times throughout the day

Morning Tea
Afternoon Tea
Late Snack (if required)


Our 4-weekly menu is designed to ensure that there is a balance of nutritional ingredients from all food groups offered throughout the day. Each menu is planned, incorporated and evaluated in conjunction with families and educators while taking into account the recommendations outlined in the National Health and Medical Research Council, the Five Food Groups and requirements under the National Law.

Our Menu:

Autumn/Winter Menu is served between March and August
Spring/Summer Menu is served between September and February
Fresh seasonal fruit accompanies both Morning Tea and Afternoon Tea
Lunch meals consist of a variety of beef, chicken, fish, sausage and vegetarian dishes
Vegetables are served with every lunch meal
Menus are displayed in the front foyer of the service for viewing and we encourage feedback and ideas from our families. All menus are evaluated on a regular basis and will change throughout the year according to season.

All meals are cooked daily on the premises using fresh and seasonal ingredients. Our trained cook has a Certificate in Safe Food Handling and Menu Planning as well as many years of experience in hospitality.

 Our meal time policy is:

  • Children & staff must wash their hands before meals
  • Children help to set the tables and clear away
  • All children sit at the table or around the picnic spot
  • If a child is finished or does not want to eat he /she is encouraged to remain at the table and socialise with the other children – practicing important life skills.

It is centre policy that we only offer healthy foods to children. Problems arise when children bring in ‘sweet style’ foods and often those treats appear more attractive than nutritional meals to children. To ensure the safety of all children with allergies, nuts and nut based foods are not permitted in the centre.

Staff make meal times a pleasant, social learning experience for young children. Children are encouraged to learn to eat independently and to develop  table manners.

Our centre is an active member of the following organization and follows the recommendations set down by them. 

Nutrition Australia – provides up to date information on health and nutrition issues for our staff and families. You will find posters, leaflets and flyers about this important topic in our foyer displays and on our walls.