Centre Information


Hours of Operation:  7am to 6pm Monday to Friday

The day to day management of the centre is  taken care of by our Director Julie Kay. Please feel free to call or stop and have a chat with Julie if you have any questions or require  assistance.

Miniversity Early Learning Centre is licensed to operate under The Child Care Act, 2002.  Daily operations are governed by The Child Care Regulations 2003 and compliance with these is regularly checked by Early Childhood officers from the Department of Education  & Training.

Early Childhood Officers check that the centre:

  • Operates with age appropriate programs and activities for children in a safe environment.
  • Employs appropriately qualified staff.
  • Maintains the correct ratio of staff to children at all times.

They also check many other aspects of the provision of care and education as part of the License process.

Miniversity Early Learning Centre is a 60 place Long Day Care Centre which operates for 51 weeks each year. The centre is closed during the Christmas to New Year week each year so all children and staff can enjoy the festive break with their families.

There are four children’s rooms each with combination of  Educators  –  Group Leaders and  Assistant Educators. The Group Leader educator writes and implements the program which is designed to assist all children in the group to grow and develop to the best of their ability. The Assistant contributes to the program and works with their Group Leader to ensure that the program runs smoothly. Both educators work together to ensure the safety and well being of each child is met.

The four children’s rooms are:

Monash 6 weeks – 12 mths 8 each day 2
Princeton 12 mths  – 2 yrs 12 each day 3
Trinity 2  – 3 yrs 15 each day 3
Oxford Kindergarten 3 – 6 yrs 22 each day 2


With reference to the room table – The room structures can change from time to time due to changes in centre demands/circumstances.  These changes will be communicated to parents through notices on the room doors.

Children will progress through age groups as they become ready for the next challenge developmentally – not necessarily as soon as they attain the age for the next group. We recognise that children learn and mature at their own pace and some need to move as soon as they reach the next age and others need to spend a little more time preparing for the move. We understand and respect these natural differences between individual children. Parents and staff consult before children move up and a period of ‘settling- in’ visits is arranged and / or the child may move up with a friend or two – this also helps children to adapt to the new room.


Our philosophy rests on the premise that each child is a unique and special individual, with varying interests, needs and abilities.

Every effort is made to be sensitive and responsive to the needs and interests of each child. We strive to provide an environment:

  • That encourages children to develop their capabilities and interests at their own pace and according to their own needs.
  • Where there is acceptance, respect, caring and encouragement.
  • Which recognises the uniqueness of each child and encourages all children to develop a healthy self-concept and positive self- esteem.

Our program is based on the fact that children learn best by doing, and that they explore their world by using all their senses:

Touching, Tasting, Listening, Smelling and Looking

Children who are given plenty of time to play will be provided with the foundations for academic or “school” learning. Through play, they learn to ask their own questions and work out their own answers.

They are responsible for their own learning in this way.  Staff offer guidance and encouragement as children learn important life lessons during play.

The value of play is in the doing – not in the end result! This is what we call “Process not Product”

Children need time to pursue their own ideas, to make choices and not to feel pressure to conform unnecessarily.

Freedom to do things in their own way, to experiment and create.
Space to move about.
A variety of experiences and activities.
Adult support to encourage, extend ideas, and to help if necessary.
Challenges to stimulate, motivate and extend knowledge and skills.
Play is an essential element of the learning process for young children. Play is doing & doing is knowing!


We at Miniversity Early Learning Centre believe that your child is our focus. We accept and respect each child as an individual and we will aim to nurture the health, well-being and developmental skills of each child according to their individual needs.

We aim to provide a high quality of care which is within the guidelines provided by The Child Care Act 2002, The Child Care Regulations (State) 2003, National Quality Framework (NQF), the Queensland Kindergarten Program.

We aim to provide support to promote the growth and development of the children in our care. We will ensure quality learning outcomes and provide positive guidance. Written programs and routines are displayed for your perusal in your child’s room – these may be viewed and discussed with Group Leader educators at any time.

Our staff will implement a developmentally appropriate curriculum based on the individual needs and interests of each child. Whilst ensuring a high quality program for children, we also strive to strengthen and maintain strong links between parents, staff and our common interest – the children.

Our programs reflect cultural and social equity so children are provided with a diverse range of experiences and learn to value different cultures and lifestyles.

Our staff regularly evaluate their programs, routines, individual children’s progress and their own performances. We invite parents to participate in this very important evaluation process as this information is used to make decisions on the future direction of the program. We welcome family comments and input into our programs.

Many of our policies, procedures, goals and routines are evaluated annually at which time parents are also invited to offer their opinions via our survey – please take the time to complete this and return it to the office. It is another chance for you to have your say. Records of these responses and updates are kept.

We offer a welcoming and caring environment that is stimulating, nurturing and aesthetically pleasing. We maintain a safe hygienically clean environment by following universal precautions in our cleaning and routine procedures throughout the day.

We aim to cater to the changing needs of our community by including in our program, people from our community and by supporting local events throughout our curriculum.

We respect each family’s cultural and religious beliefs by supporting them in their child rearing practices and backgrounds. We encourage and value parent participation and involvement throughout the children’s day and with after hours activities.

One of the most important elements of good practice in early childhood is the partnership that exists between parents and teachers. In our centre we value and welcome parents as our partners in the process of working with individual children. This participation is welcomed at any level that each parent feels comfortable with and without pressure from us. Good practice happens when parents and teachers work together – this brings about the best learning outcomes for the whole child across all curriculum areas. We will encourage social development so each child learns to interact successfully in a variety of situations. Should negative behaviour occur parents may be asked to participate in a plan to assist their child to overcome their difficulties. Parent input is expected at these times to ensure the best outcome for all concerned, the child, family and all other families and staff.

Our policy is one of non-discrimination. All children have access to our centre regardless of race, sex, religion, disability, medical conditions or socio-economic status. We will aim to meet the needs of the individual at all times giving due regard to staffing levels and the needs of all in our care.

We respect your privacy. However, in striving to offer the best in care for your child and in complying with child care legislation we are obliged to gather certain details regarding your family and to keep records of your child’s progress.

Rest assured that these details:

Are stored securely.
Are only made available to those who have need of the information for the care and safety of your child.
Are used in part to process your Child Care Subsidy entitlements.
Are available to you for updating or discussions with staff at any time.
Our staff are also committed to respect these principles at all times. Privacy of your personal information is important to us and we conduct our business with respect and integrity.